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VHF Radio Channel Usage

VHF Radio Channel Usage and Do's and Dont's

Boat/U.S. Guide to
Radio Manners
Now that the Federal Communications Commission has eliminated radio licenses for recreational boats in the United States, there’s no eason why the VHF marine band has to become another Citizen’s Band free-for-all.
Everyone who depends upon a two-way radio for their safety out on the water has a stake in the future of the VHF frequency. Boat/U.S. is equally concerned and is urging members to join the Association in an active effort to promote proper use of the airwaves and actively discourage abuse. The best way to do that is to educate skippers, guests, family members and fellow boaters on how to correctly use the marine radio.
Although the license has been eliminated, FCC regulations still remain in effect. VHF radio operating rules continue to apply and violators can still be subject to fines by the FCC up to $8,000. The marine band is monitored by both the FCC and the U.S. Coast Guard and both agencies have sensitive radio direction finders that can track a violator, for instance a false “Mayday” caller.
But an even better reason to safeguard the marine VHF band is its lifesaving importance to everyone out on the water. Skippers in will traveled boating areas who monitor Channel 16 are often distressed to hear repeated violations of proper radio usage rules.
“Many radio users simply do not know what the rules are,” said Jim Ellis Director of the Boat/U.S. Foundation for Boating Safety. “They don’t realize that they could be putting lives in jeopardy.”
Among the most egregious offenses on the VHF marine band are issuing a false Mayday call, using profanities, monopolizing Channel 16 and using an improper channel. Some people even broadcast “Mayday radio checks” according to Joe Hersey, Chief of Telecommunications for the Coast Guard. These are false Mayday calls just to see if one’s radio is working.
The rules for radio operation are mainly common sense and are described in detail in at least two easy-to-read reference books, Chapman’s Communications Afloat by Elbert S. Maloney, and the maritime Radio Users Handbook by the Radio Technical Commission for Marine Services. Both are available through Boat/U. S. Also, the U.S. Coast Guard’s home page on the World Wide Web has information.
While many boaters who want to have long conversations are better off using cellular telephones while boating many forget that the real value of the VHF transmission in an emergency is that everyone can hear a call for help.
When inconsiderate broadcasters use foul language over the airwaves which causes boaters, especially those with children, to shut the radio off, a potential source of rescue has been eliminated.
Keep in mind that Channel 9 has been designated as a calling channel nationwide, and it ahs helped relieve congestion on Channel 16. The Coast Guard, however, does not monitor Channel 9. Channel 16 is always the first choice for emergencies or to hear official alerts.
Requesting a radio check from the Coast Guard on Channel 16 is prohibited. It is also not proper procedure to issue a call to ” any vessel, any vessel” and request a radio check. What members may do is hail “TowBOAT/U.S. on Channel 16 or 9, and when you receive a reply, switch to a working channel. The Tow BOAT/U.S. skipper will be glad to respond.

The Dos:

The Don'ts:

Channels Available for Recreational Boats

Please Post


Channel Frequencies and Usages are from the Coast Pilot; Pacific Coast (25th Edition)




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